Expressions made complicated by ..

Sometimes i wonder at the complexity associated with deriving meaning of words/sentences,many word has such a vast meaning/usage that it could cover both extreme horizons with much in between to wander. My mother tongue was not English,neither i studied in convent English medium schools ,but it appears that  in pursuit of making post/sentence gaining depth/weirdness/reminiscence etc words are so framed and used that many times great effort /concentration required to attain meaning ,definitely with help  of dictionary etc ,even if then much could not be grasped then it is left terming it too high literary content being bouncer or cultural meme prevalent there.

Plethora of words available to convey same meaning,called synonyms ,words having same meaning differs in context of its use along with ones  predilection,causes nausea to one having elementary knowledge of a particular language.

Further one who is attempting to gain its grasp on particular language by all means gets stymied by words having minor spelling difference of just one alphabet ,further many words having more so same pronouncement or it not reflecting alphabets in words.

Expression tends to become complicated when the flow in authors mind and their incarnation on paper/screen lags perfect harmony and what is in mind /what comes out on paper and what is understood by different readers is different and amusing.

More so it is flow of word from authors pen that expresses meaning to one and all who are nearer to that wavelength and get conveyed what was intended and impact /emphasis generated  intermittently while reading,evoking different emotions/nostalgia/compassion with characters and identifying of self with theme characters of post.

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